Applications for the 2019-20 BARTA Active Teacher Grants are available to active BCSC educators through the BCSC School Foundation at this web site.
Private and Parochial educators can use the following BARTA Grant Application:
Bartholomew County Retired Teachers Association
BARTA Grant Application for 2019-2020 for Private, Parochial and FRHC Schools
BARTA would like to invite all Pre-K-12 grade teachers and administrators in Bartholomew County to apply for a grant. The total funding will be approximately $1500 for this year’s grant cycle. An individual grant request should not exceed $500.
BCSC staff may apply through the Bartholomew Consolidated School Foundation Grant Program. All other schools apply by sending application to [email protected]
Funding ideas might include classroom materials, tools that impact classroom instruction, fieldtrips, guest speakers, conferences and substitute costs for conferences or observations of other teachers to improve instruction.
Funding will be a reimbursement for expenses that have been paid. Substitute costs can be sent directly to the school district’s office after completing the attached form from the school principal or administrative assistant. Private or non-BCSC schools might have an alternate sub reimbursement plan.
BARTA committee accepts electronic submissions to [email protected] by the principal/director of the applicant(s). Technology support staff should be consulted if any technology purchase is requested. The person sending the application should receive a confirmation message within five days of the submission. Feel free to contact the BARTA contact for confirmation information.
If you receive the grant, you would be asked to make a presentation for the BARTA luncheon in September 2020. For the presentation for BARTA luncheon, our hope is that principals will work with the recipient so he/she may attend as BARTA’s guest for lunch and make a short presentation (not to exceed 3-5 min depending on number of recipients).
Recipients are encouraged to share pictures and videos with BARTA for its communication. These do not need to be brought to the luncheon. Usually there is no video capacity at that luncheon. If a computer/projector is available, you will be notified. Please indicate that there is permission for students/classroom who have been photographed.
Grant Applications may be sent to the email below beginningSeptember 3-20, 2019. Reviews will be made the week of September 23, 2019. Selections will be made by October 4, 2019.
Grants will be accepted during that time and awarded after selection, if they meet the expectations. Once the $1500 is expended, the cycle will end for this school year.
Questions? Please call or email Janice Montgomery, 812.390.9023 or [email protected]
Recipients will receive a grant review summary form due within one year of the grant award.
Work Telephone
Teaching Assignment
E-mail Address
Title of the Project
Amount requested
Use as much space as needed, but applications of 2-4 pages are sufficient.
1. Describe the project.
2. How will students benefit from your grant project?
3. Describe the proposed impact or improvement expected (Examples – anecdotal records, data, interviews, or information that demonstrates student growth). Indicate the number of students impacted this school year and then potentially by the scope of the grant.
4. Complete Project Budget.
5. Feedback from your Principals/Directors:
Materials/Program/Guest Speaker
Substitute (see form at the end of grant info)
You will be asked for a grant review summary after your project has been completed within one year of your receipt of the grant.
Principals/Directors: Please review the document and submit electronically to the [email protected]
If you receive the grant, you agree to provide BARTA with communication about the project, a presentation at the September 2020 BARTA Luncheon (pending principal arrangement for coverage), a brief evaluation after the project is completed (within one year of receipt of grant dollars), and an accounting of the funds. The grant recipients should make a presentation to their staff members to share the best practices.
Information about BARTA funded projects will be shared with others in the school corporation. You will be expected to provide digital pictures or video clip for use by BARTA’s communication of website, Facebook, or print uses. (include assurance that you gained permission in your communication with families).
If your grant is not selected this round, it can be kept on file for consideration the next grant cycle.
Grants will be awarded until the $1500 is depleted each cycle as long as the grants meet the expectations of the funders. Notification will be made by email. Funds for reimbursement will be available about two weeks after receiving documentation that money has been spent. Exceptions include substitute funding.
For the BARTA Grant Application-Substitute Teacher Reimbursement Invoice
Request for funding will be sent to:
BARTA Treasurer, Janet Smith
3711 Premier Drive
Columbus, IN 47203
We would like to thank you for paying the costs of the substitute teacher(s) who work at the school shown below on the dates(s) given and for the teacher(s) listed.
Address of Accounting Office:
Attended the following workshop on the date(s) shown:
Name of Workshop(s)
Total Cost for substitutes: ____________________________________
Private and Parochial educators can use the following BARTA Grant Application:
Bartholomew County Retired Teachers Association
BARTA Grant Application for 2019-2020 for Private, Parochial and FRHC Schools
BARTA would like to invite all Pre-K-12 grade teachers and administrators in Bartholomew County to apply for a grant. The total funding will be approximately $1500 for this year’s grant cycle. An individual grant request should not exceed $500.
BCSC staff may apply through the Bartholomew Consolidated School Foundation Grant Program. All other schools apply by sending application to [email protected]
Funding ideas might include classroom materials, tools that impact classroom instruction, fieldtrips, guest speakers, conferences and substitute costs for conferences or observations of other teachers to improve instruction.
Funding will be a reimbursement for expenses that have been paid. Substitute costs can be sent directly to the school district’s office after completing the attached form from the school principal or administrative assistant. Private or non-BCSC schools might have an alternate sub reimbursement plan.
BARTA committee accepts electronic submissions to [email protected] by the principal/director of the applicant(s). Technology support staff should be consulted if any technology purchase is requested. The person sending the application should receive a confirmation message within five days of the submission. Feel free to contact the BARTA contact for confirmation information.
If you receive the grant, you would be asked to make a presentation for the BARTA luncheon in September 2020. For the presentation for BARTA luncheon, our hope is that principals will work with the recipient so he/she may attend as BARTA’s guest for lunch and make a short presentation (not to exceed 3-5 min depending on number of recipients).
Recipients are encouraged to share pictures and videos with BARTA for its communication. These do not need to be brought to the luncheon. Usually there is no video capacity at that luncheon. If a computer/projector is available, you will be notified. Please indicate that there is permission for students/classroom who have been photographed.
Grant Applications may be sent to the email below beginningSeptember 3-20, 2019. Reviews will be made the week of September 23, 2019. Selections will be made by October 4, 2019.
Grants will be accepted during that time and awarded after selection, if they meet the expectations. Once the $1500 is expended, the cycle will end for this school year.
Questions? Please call or email Janice Montgomery, 812.390.9023 or [email protected]
Recipients will receive a grant review summary form due within one year of the grant award.
Work Telephone
Teaching Assignment
E-mail Address
Title of the Project
Amount requested
Use as much space as needed, but applications of 2-4 pages are sufficient.
1. Describe the project.
2. How will students benefit from your grant project?
3. Describe the proposed impact or improvement expected (Examples – anecdotal records, data, interviews, or information that demonstrates student growth). Indicate the number of students impacted this school year and then potentially by the scope of the grant.
4. Complete Project Budget.
5. Feedback from your Principals/Directors:
Materials/Program/Guest Speaker
Substitute (see form at the end of grant info)
You will be asked for a grant review summary after your project has been completed within one year of your receipt of the grant.
Principals/Directors: Please review the document and submit electronically to the [email protected]
If you receive the grant, you agree to provide BARTA with communication about the project, a presentation at the September 2020 BARTA Luncheon (pending principal arrangement for coverage), a brief evaluation after the project is completed (within one year of receipt of grant dollars), and an accounting of the funds. The grant recipients should make a presentation to their staff members to share the best practices.
Information about BARTA funded projects will be shared with others in the school corporation. You will be expected to provide digital pictures or video clip for use by BARTA’s communication of website, Facebook, or print uses. (include assurance that you gained permission in your communication with families).
If your grant is not selected this round, it can be kept on file for consideration the next grant cycle.
Grants will be awarded until the $1500 is depleted each cycle as long as the grants meet the expectations of the funders. Notification will be made by email. Funds for reimbursement will be available about two weeks after receiving documentation that money has been spent. Exceptions include substitute funding.
For the BARTA Grant Application-Substitute Teacher Reimbursement Invoice
Request for funding will be sent to:
BARTA Treasurer, Janet Smith
3711 Premier Drive
Columbus, IN 47203
We would like to thank you for paying the costs of the substitute teacher(s) who work at the school shown below on the dates(s) given and for the teacher(s) listed.
Address of Accounting Office:
Attended the following workshop on the date(s) shown:
Name of Workshop(s)
Total Cost for substitutes: ____________________________________